23 de octubre de 2009

Grandes Donantes

Esto reporte (publicado hace dos meses) y el trae algunas informaciones muy interesantes, aún sean investigaciones hechas solamente en USA y UK.

Una de las concusiones de la investigación (hecha solo con major donors) es que:

Donors are becoming more discerning and diligent about how they manage their philanthropy just as they are about many life choices. This is a good thing and will encourage the sector to keep up with this new age and develop accordingly. Those organisations that don’t address this will run the risk of falling behind those that do.”

Lo respote aún apunta para:

  1. THE global recession has failed to dampen philanthropic spirit, with many rich people increasing their charitable giving, Among the 500 British and American individuals with at least $1m of investable assets, only education was considered a more important expense than charitable commitments.

  2. Some 28% of Americans say they are giving less money compared with 18 months ago, though 26% are giving more. A similar pattern is seen among those givers from both countries who inherited their fortune. But entrepreneurs are more likely to give their cash away—31% say they have increased their giving and only 17% have reduced it.

Un de los datos que llamá la atención es que la Nin~ez es percibida como la segun mas importante causa para estos donantes.

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